Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Right Same Sex Marriage - 1888 Words

Shay Cramblitt Andrea Colman English 03-28-15 The Right Same sex marriage is a topic today that brings strong moral objections from both sides. Should same sex marriage be allowed? Should these humans be given the same rights in their relationship as heterosexual couples? Why restricted these citizens from their right just because of their love interest? Should we take certain customs away from foreigners just because it’s not customs we perform? The United States is a land of the free not the restricted. We are not robots set to one program and one program alone every human being is an individual and they all do things their own way. If you were in their position you would want the same thing, to be happy. Homosexual couples have†¦show more content†¦Some say that â€Å"love is blind,† and they are right. Love is between the souls of two people, whether it be : a black male and white female, a black female and an Asian male, or male and another male love has no boundaries. When it happens and you fall in love, what do you do next? Well you pursue them of course! Why let your dreams fall apart just because of your soul mate ends up being the same sex as you. Then you find out it’s hopeless to purse your full dream it’s not legal to marry. Marriage belongs to everyone, it’s what we all wish for why rip that from someone. Why would you rip it away from yourself? A legal parent is defined as a person who has the right to live with a child and make decisions about the child’s education, well being and health. Legal parents must also support their children financially. When a heterosexual married couple has a child both parents are automatically considered to be the child’s legal parents. Even if the couple divorces, both parents still are legal parents of the child unlike homosexual couples who have to go through the legal system to find out the fate of the child. Some people say that children need a mother and a father to raise us; to provide both viewpoints of gender: masculinity, femininity and all the issues those entail. However, there are many who believe that gender does not matter when parenting. Homosexual partners bring children into their lives in a number of ways. In lesbian couples, frequently, one

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