Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Migration Is A Common Occurrences - 1655 Words

Migration to another Country is a very difficult, challenging and a time consuming process. Some of the factors that we can attribute to migration is assimilation to a different culture, changes in gender roles and culture shock. The process of migrations changes between Countries either as refugee, illegal or legal. Migrations occurs as a result of food insecurity, political reasons, and economic opportunities. These reasons influence a person or families to migrate to a foreign land for a better opportunities. Therefore, immigrations is a common occurrences. Immigrations is when a native person migrates to a foreign country with the intentions. Once migrations is successful the assimilation into the new culture may become extremely difficult. The blending of the two cultures, which produces a subcultures that influences the new generations of family morals, values and cultures. In the film The Namesake, the film portrays the navigation in time sequences of marriage, education, parental hood, success, wealth and death. The struggles of a Bengali couple who immigrat ed to the United States, which cultures is outside their customs. The film, The Namesake was created after a very popular book that dives into the obscurities internal and externality of immigrates and the first generations Americans. It gives a very accurate and honest approach of difficulties to understand and accept the new culture for the parents who migrate. The film also shows the constraint andShow MoreRelatedSalmon : The Salmon Run819 Words   |  4 PagesThe salmon migration, commonly referred to as the â€Å"Salmon Run,† is a natural occurrence that happens only once a year. Oncorhynchus, also known as Pacific Salmon, are the most common type of salmon on the planet. Pacific Salmon are better known under the following five species groups: Sockeye, Pink, Coho, Chum, and Chinook. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Content Marketing For Business Marketing - 2331 Words

Content Marketing Definition. Content marketing, especially in the business to business marketing environment, is a relatively new term and concept. A common definition that has been used to describe content marketing came from Joe Pulizzi the founder of the Content Marketing Institute. Pulizzi defines content marketing as â€Å"the marketing and business process used to create and distribute relevant and valuable content to a target audience.† The process should attract, acquire and engage the audience while clearly marketing a product or service. Content marketing should use all possible channels (print, social media, web based, interview, or in-person) to achieve the goal of establishing their brand status and a relationship with the customer. (Pulizzi, 2012) Holliman and Rowley give additional information to elaborate on the concept of content marketing. Any information that has been put on a business’s website is content marketing, and anything on the page that use rs are there to see and use to learn about the business. Content in any form should be created and used to tell the brand’s story and the story of their product or service they are offering. Not only should it tell the story, it should also focus on creating a valuable experience to draw in and retain customers. (Holliman Rowley, 2014) B2B Content Marketing and Statistics. Business to business marketing faces challenges not found in the business to consumer environment. As stated in the B2B Environment andShow MoreRelatedContent Marketing Is The Process Of Promoting A Business1804 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction Content marketing is the process of promoting a business or brand indirectly and directly through value-added text, video, or audio content both online and/or offline. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

The Door Of Perception Essay Research Paper free essay sample

The Door Of Perception Essay, Research Paper The National Rifle Association and the Institute for Legislative Action The National Rifle Association created the Institute for Legislative Action in 1975 as a agency to buttonhole. Their mission statement entails continuing and protecting the Second Amendment, which guarantees the ability of observant citizens to have and utilize pieces for legal and acceptable intents. The Institute is non straight associated with any specific ammo or gun shapers. It receives fiscal support from member dues and other parts for the Institute? s legislative activity. The National Rifle Association has headquarters in Fairfax, VA, Washington DC, and Sacramento, CA. The Institute is able to use seven full-time lobbyists on Capitol Hill and over 70 other employees elsewhere. The National Rifle Association has more than 2.8 million members countrywide. This figure has doubled since 1978. The chief ground that the NRA is able to contend limitations on gun control is due to the fact that their rank is so big. We will write a custom essay sample on The Door Of Perception Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Whenever a measure or other signifier of statute law is proposed, the NRA protagonists begin to compose and reach their representatives. In 1986, the Firearms Owner? s Protection Act was enacted as jurisprudence. This reformed a anterior act that limited gun control. More late, grassroots runs by the NRA a nd its members have brought about pro-gun statute law in many different provinces. The institute besides educates the populace by administering booklets and articles on ownership, self-defense, and safety of pieces. Additionally, the institute informs the populace on the constitutionality of firearm ownership and other agencies of offense combat steps. The institute by and large has an highly high success rate when it supports campaigners during elections. The NRA ranks political campaigners non based on party association, but instead vote records, public statements, and responses to a questionnaire. Examples of their success rate include the Senate and House of Representatives elections in 1998. Out of 310 runs they supported, 247 of them won. On a province degree, besides in 1998, out of 2750 runs there were about 83 % winning. The NRA puts its trust on what they believe is a simple and of import truth: ? when provided with facts, the state? s elected functionaries will acknowledge that gun control strategies are a proved failure in contending offense and an violation on the 2nd Amendment. ? This belief is doubtless profoundly embedded into many people in our state. Proof is found in the success and development of the National Rifle Association. The National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action hypertext transfer protocol: //

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Role Of Stigma And Labelling Social Work Essay Essay Example

The Role Of Stigma And Labelling Social Work Essay Essay In this essay I will show my apprehension of stigma and labelling. There are certain people who are stigmatised and substance users frequently have a negative stereotype. This negativeness will frequently non let the substance user to seek the aid and medical intervention that they need due to the stigma and labelling. I will be discoursing the research around the impacts of stigma and labelling that will impact non merely their intervention but in lodging and employment. The term stigma originates from the ancient Greek word and signifies that he or she could be a slave, condemnable or treasonist and was used as a mark of shame and shame. It is now used to depict people who are stereotyped because of their societal individuality ( Pierson A ; Thomas, 2010 ) . Harmonizing to Goffman, when a individual is non able to run into outlooks because their behavior or properties are unwanted or unacceptable, so stigma disqualifies a individual from societal credence. Goffman suggests that stigma is, an unwanted property that is incongruous with our stereotype of what a given person should be Goffmam ( 1963:3 ) . Stigma is a usage of negative labels and is about discourtesy. It is non merely a affair of utilizing the incorrect word but labels that individual who has the substance usage upset. Stigma consequences in favoritism and maltreatment and is damaging to the lives of many people. The fright of stigma discourages households and many persons from acquir ing the support and intervention that they may necessitate to take normal healthy life styles. Stigma deprives people their full engagement into society which so reinforces negative stereotypes ( Goffman, 1968 ) . The manner of get bying with stigma is to hide behaviors and internalise these negative positions and as a consequence will be capable to favoritism and exclusion within many countries. Drug jobs will stay entrenched if substance users are seen as drug addicts . Landlords will be loath to allow out their belongingss and employers will be wary of giving them occupations. Employment and lodging are of import to substance users as it can be critical in set uping themselves back into society ( UKDPC, 2008 ) . Research surveies show that 80 % of drug users are unemployed. Bing employed is shown to be an of import constituent into the reintegration into society. Once in work, it will assist in constructing their self-pride and back into normal life ( UKDPC, 2008 ) . Family mem bers feel shame and stop swearing them and in some instances, disown him/her. Community s will thumb point , seek to avoid contact and will dish the dirt about them. Many would reason that society s disapproval of drug usage ; particularly hemp and diacetylmorphine will state stigma is necessary to show disapproval ( UKDPC, 2010 ) . Stigma can besides do the substance user stigmatize themselves, do them experience entirely, rejected and destruct their self-pride. Seeking aid is really hard for the substance user and will forestall them from making so. They will frequently experience that discontinuing would be no usage and returning to normal life would be impossible because people in society will no longer swear them and so will fall in in with other drug users, start condemnable activities to pay for their usage and accepting the incrimination of society ( UKDPC, 2010 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on The Role Of Stigma And Labelling Social Work Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Role Of Stigma And Labelling Social Work Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Role Of Stigma And Labelling Social Work Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Stigma discourages households and persons from acquiring the support and intervention they require. Families suffer the impact when another household member has a drug usage ( UKDPC, 2009 ) and it alters all their societal invitations and friends that they one time had. Other household members will frequently retreat and kids will frequently be targeted by toughs. Stigma deprives people of their full interaction into society. The UK Drug Policy Commission ( UKDPC ) suggests that 1.5 Million people in the UK are affected by a relations drug usage. Supportive relationships are cardinal to a successful recovery. Carers UK commissioned a survey which estimated that carers in the UK made a part of ?87 billion in entire economic value in one twelvemonth. This may hold excluded many who have non come frontward with get bying with a relation who has a drug job but this gives us some indicant of the societal part probably to be made by the back uping households ( DrugScope/Adfam, 2009 ) . The drug user must hold finding and religion in making their ends and there will likely be reverses and barriers but with the support and part of societal workers, support groups, household and friends, this will assist towards the recovery procedure ( HM Government, 2010 ) . Families and relationships are cardinal issues for recovery and drug users improve when their household is behind them. They are more than probably to finish intervention and keep their new life styles ( Best A ; Laudet, 2010 ) . DrugScope published research in 2009 by questioning a random sample of over 1000 people aged 18 plus. The research published showed that one in five grownups had a personal experience of drug usage, either direct or indirect. The findings where: 19 % have personal experience of drug dependence either straight or among household or friends ; 1 in 10 grownups have a friend who has experience of drug dependence ; 1 in 20 have experienced drug dependence in their household ; 1 in 50 has personal experience of drug dependence. 77 % agree investing in drug intervention is reasonable usage of authorities money . The canvass found that 19 % either had direct or indirect personal experience of a household member or cognizing person within their circle of friends. 11 % were likely to hold a friend who has experienced drug dependence. 6 % had household members who were drug dependent, yet 2 % experienced the drug dependence themselves. These figures do propose that drug abuse and the dependence do impact many people s lives and is a societal job ( DrugScope, 2009 ) . Stigma to substance users will perchance do dependence recovery and intervention more hard. Substance users frequently manage in secret and would instead non seek out the intervention and unrecorded in denial. The University of Nevada studied 197 drug users on the affects of stigmatisation. This research identified that because of the usage of stigma they would go more dependent on their drug usage due to the perceived negativeness that the society had on drug users. 60 % of drug users in this survey felt that they were treated otherwise after people knew that they were a drug user. 46 % felt that others became afraid of them one time they found out and 45 % felt that their households gave up on them and wanted nil more to make with them. 38 % of their friends had rejected them and eventually, 14 % of employers paid a lower pay ( Addiction, 2010 ) . Users have no good ground to halt utilizing when you look at this research survey. This research identifies that stigma is conceptuality alone. Drug users besides had a more hard clip in intervention at wining when there were higher degrees of stigma. The survey besides showed that drug users frequently cope in secret due to their inability to openly discourse their dependence ; this caused hapless mental wellness and decreased their opportunities of recovery. By cut downing shame the society could assist in driving frontward in assisting the intervention of drug users who are non coming frontward due to stigma ( Addiction, 2010 ) . Stigmatizing is non merely found amongst the populace but besides by the professionals who may be working straight with them. Professionals, such as physicians and nurses, who work straight with drug users, will hold a greater penetration into the jobs that drug users face on a twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours footing. Miller et Al ( 2001 ) mentioned in UKDPC ( 2010:30 ) summarised research from the USA which showed an addition in negativity towards drug users. Two surveies of the intervention of jobs with drug users and drinkers both in the inmate attention and safety net exigency section showed that negative positions during preparation, continued when they became qualified and working within their pattern ( UKDPC, 2010 ) . Stigma between wellness professionals and the drug user will forestall them from seeking aid and may be one of the grounds as to why the drug user will non seek out the aid or medical intervention that they require ( Kelly A ; Westerhoff, 2010 ) . Everyone knows that it is incorrect to know apart, whether it is because of their race, civilization or faith. Substance usage is really common and is widely misunderstood. It is indispensable that we learn about the individual and dainty with self-respect and regard. This will so assist in stressing their abilities ( Mental Health and Recovery Board, 2009 ) . Public attitudes to drug dependence were explored in the UK in 2002 ( Luty A ; Grewal, 2002 ) . Results showed that 28 % regarded drug users as holding a mental wellness job. 38 % assumed that drug users were felons and 78 % to be fallacious and undependable. 30 % said that they deserved the bad luck that fell upon them. 62 % thought that the jurisprudence were excessively soft on drug users and 40 % believed that their kids should be taken into attention. It was concluded by Luty and Grewal, 2002, the consequences clearly indicate a negative position of drug nuts ( Luty A ; Grewal, 2002:94 ) . Yet, DrugScope in 2009 wanted to happen out the attitudes of the public towards drug users and drug intervention. They commissioned a canvass and the findings suggest that the populace to be really sympathetic than sometimes frequently assumed. 80 % of the people surveyed agreed that people can go addicted to drugs because of other jobs within their life . 35 % agreed that it was the persons mistake for drug usage and that there is no alibi. A big sum of respondents 88 % agreed that for the drug user to acquire back on path, they needed aid and support and 77 % holding that the investing of authorities money towards drug intervention is reasonable. This research showed a sympathetic response of the bulk of the people surveyed. Drug users are the most marginalised people in society where favoritism and stigma are cardinal into the barriers of having recovery. Two tierces in a recent canvass showed that employers would non use anyone with history of drug usage, even though they were suited for the occupation. Stigma and favoritism still remains a barrier to recovery and will clearly impact of them happening work. It will besides impact being housed suitably and accessing the health care that they need ( DrugScope, 2009 ) The things that we can make as practicians in assisting to get the better of the stigmatization is to hold a better apprehension of how hard it is for people to alter who may hold low self-efficacy. First feelings count and for a substance user, coming through the door is difficult plenty. The substance user will hold come because they are in a crisis and has realised it is clip for alteration ( Lecture Notes, 2012 ) . As societal workers we have to gain that prosecuting with the substance user will assist in the first stairss to recovery and aid in constructing relationships. Building regard and trust will forestall misinterpretations that may take to conflict. Having good communicating accomplishments is effectual and at the bosom of societal work. It is merely through our communicating accomplishments that we are able to understand the cognition of others and work efficaciously ( Trevithick, 2009 ) . It is of import to pass on as it helps in interchanging our ideas and feelings an d in organizing the foundation of a good relationship. Communication allows you to assist the substance user to be more receptive to the new thoughts by making an environment that they can swear and assist in developing declarations. To hold an unfastened and honest relationship, trust is of import in wining this. An understanding ideally should be met with the substance user about confidentiality. They have a right to cognize who will be able to entree any information about them ( Koprowska, 2010 ) . Motivational Interviewing is a good known theoretical account developed by William Miller in 1982. It is a theoretical account used with people to arouse alteration, particularly people who have debatable substance abuse. Motivational interviewing is a client-centred guidance manner and helps the service user to make their determinations about possible behavior alteration ( Nelson, 2012 ) . This theoretical account helps in placing and understanding the substance user s motive to alter and foreground to the client their sensed negatives and benefits of alteration. The rules of motivational interviewing are to show empathy, develop disagreement by assisting the client in increasing their consciousness of the effects of their behavior. Avoiding debate as it is them who are the expert. Roll with opposition by promoting the client to develop their ain statements. Resistance is normal if you are uncomfortable about something and in conclusion self efficaciousness by foregrounding the acco mplishments and the alterations they have already made ( Lecture Notes, 2012 ) . Measuring motive with the substance user and happening out at which stages they may be will assist in me placing where the substance user is in their dependence. A good known theoretical account called the rhythm of alteration developed by DiClemente and Prochaska ( 1982 ) represents the point at which the substance user base on ballss during their alteration in behavior. The different phases are: Pre-Contemplation, this is where the service user has no desire to alter. Contemplation, this is where the service user may be sing their state of affairs and is more cognizant of it. Preparation is where the service user makes a determination to alter their substance abuse. Action and this is where the service user takes stairss in conveying about alteration. Care is where they have stopped utilizing the drugs and moved to a more controlled and less harmful manner of utilizing and is keeping that alteration. Backsliding is where the service user will travel back to their old behavior and will hold to get down the Cycle of Change once more ( Teater, 2011:122 ) . The substance user may steal back or backsliding in to their old behavior because lasting behavior is really hard to alter, peculiarly with people who want to do alteration in substance abuse. This is really hard and may take several efforts ( Nelson, 2012 ) . Motivational interviewing will assist the substance user move through the phases of alteration. Having good active hearing accomplishment is of import and will assist in doing the substance user feel that he/she is being helped. Many people will experience encouraged when they have been genuinely listened to without break and will frequently go bucked up and empowered ( New Jersey Self-Help Group Clearinghouse ) . A good hearer allows the individual to acquire their ain narratives and sentiments across, which active hearing will let them to make so. If you interrupt, the individual will experience that they may non hold been listened to. They will non experience respected and may keep information through being cautious. It is of import to let them to cognize that you were listening and will assist in promoting them to go on speaking. Leaning frontward, keeping oculus contact will besides demo them you are interested in what they have to state ( MindTools, 2012 ) . You have to retrieve to non allow environmental factors distract you as this could do you lose focal point. Giving the substance user your undivided attending and acknowledge what they are stating. Using organic structure linguistic communication either by nodding on occasion, smiling and promoting the talker to go on by stating verbal remarks, such as yes and go on will promote the talker to go on by cognizing you are listening. Giving positive feedback by rephrasing e.g. What I am hearing is and It sounds like you are stating , are good ways of reflecting back and aid in clear uping certain points that the substance user may hold said and helps towards acquiring more background information. Paraphrasing besides helps in leting yourself to truly understand what has been said and helps the substance user know that they have been heard und understood right ( Koprowska, 2010 ) . Having the three nucleus conditions of guidance of empathy, regard and congruity will assist to heighten the substance user s motive to alter. Empathy allows seting you in another individual s places and holding a be tter apprehension of their feelings and emotions. You must disregard your ain perceptual experience of the state of affairs and accept their feelings and ideas. By making this does non intend that you accept the behavior they are making but means that you understand them. Congruity allows you to be yourself and that you are merely human and a existent individual. This will assist in cut downing the emphasis the substance user may hold. Having regard is accepting the individual for who they are irrespective of what the individual says or does. When others have perchance made that individual experience negative, it is really difficult for them to experience positive. Showing the substance user regard will demo willingness that you want to work with them, which will let them to turn assurance ( Trevithick, 2009 ) . Change is hard, so it is normal for the substance user to experience ambivalent. Using the Decisional Balance will assist in placing the positives and negatives of their behavior. If you are traveling to alter, you need a ground to and people change when the positives outweigh the negatives. We ever have to be cognizant of the short term or long term hazard factors including their degree of use and what type of drugs they are utilizing ( Miller A ; Rollnick, 2002 ) . Motivational interviewing helps the substance user in placing the importance of their behavior alteration and besides helps the practician aid in making so by heightening their motive. This theoretical account works good alongside the cycle of alteration as it is utile to measure where the substance user may be in their rhythm of alteration and aid in placing the schemes you may utilize ( Nelson, 2012 ) . In decision, if a individual does non conform to societal stereotypes, they are more than probably to be marginalised and bear stigma. Peoples with substance abuse are of all types and come from different backgrounds ( Pycroft, 2010 ) . Working with persons who are sing substance usage, it is of import to stay focused. Supplying changeless feedback and offering support will assist in prosecuting the drug user towards work outing the crisis the substance user may hold. Having a non-judgemental attitude underpins societal work along with empathy and protagonism ( Trevithick, 2009 ) . Peoples with substance abuse are frequently viewed as less worthy and meriting. Stigmatization can do bias, marginalization, favoritism and subjugation and is frequently reinforced by the media and even our ain households ( Theory and pattern, 2011 ) . Peoples who substance usage are frequently stigmatised and experience shameful of it and can go on if the substance user has had several efforts. When you a re ashamed of something and you unwrap it, it is really difficult particularly if you re diffident as to how the other individual is traveling to react. It is of import for myself to reflect upon my ain value base and biass that I may hold. Referances All about Addiction ( 2010 ) Addiction Stigma: devising dependence recovery, and dependence intervention entry, even harder. ( accessed 16 November 2012 ) Best, D, . Laudet, A. B. ( 2010 ) The potency of recovery capital, Royal Society of Arts. 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